Elite Soccer Community Organization

About US

Elite Soccer Community Organization (ESCO) Develops Youth and Community Through Soccer.

years developing youth and community through soccer

youth leaders – giving back to the community

300+ kids participating in ESCO’s free soccer programs


$22,000 awarded in college scholarships

Building Strong Leaders

ESCO provides youth with opportunities to lead, learn and build stronger communities. 

ESCO’s mission is to develop youth and community through soccer in the Northwest suburbs of Chicago.

ESCO values social responsibility, character, leadership and education.

NovEMBER 2010


In an effort to build stronger leaders and community through soccer, the Elite Soccer Community Organization (ESCO) was formed. 



501 (c)(3) status

ESCO obtained its IRS 501(c)(3) tax exempt status in November 2011.


College Scholarship Fund Established

To date, ESCO has provided $12,000 in college scholarships to current and former Elite Soccer Club soccer players and/or ESCO Youth Leaders who are current and former Elite S.C. soccer players and/or ESCO Youth Leaders who are outstanding citizens.


Soccer Financial Assistance Fund Established

In an effort to lessen the financial burden of soccer programming for families in the community, the Soccer Financial Assistance Fund was established.


ESCO FC is formed.

  • ESCO FC is ESCO’s very own soccer club with teams of kids who participate in our free soccer outreach programs. The kids in these programs do not have the means to afford park district soccer, let alone club soccer and we’re happy to say their club fees will be fully subsidized by ESCO. No longer will financial barriers prevent these great kids from playing and competing as a team. They will have their own coach, uniforms, and equipment, and compete in leagues like NISL and IYSL.

Advisory Board

Elite Soccer Community Organization‘s Advisory Board are a diverse group of dedicated individuals who all have a passion for building stronger communities by developing youth.

About Elite Soccer Community Organization 1

Michael Steele – President, Elite Soccer of America

Sport, and all the stakeholders involved (players, parents, coaches, and organizations) can have a powerful effect on a person’s development and that is what I experienced through my playing years. Thus, ESCO was created to dig even deeper and more deliberately so that more youth participants have the opportunity to build leadership skills and learn how to positively impact their community.


Joe Tomaino - Treasurer – Accounting Manager, The Martin-Brower Company

I am proud to be on the ESCO Board because of the opportunities we provide to the children impacted by our events & fundraisers and the life skills our Youth Leaders are developing as they become the next generation of leaders. 
Brad Abel – Teacher, Soccer Coach at Hersey High School, ESCO

Rob Moore – Director of Community Outreach and Youth Leadership Coordinator

Helping as many people as I can is something I have strived for my entire life. As an Elite Soccer coach, I can help players grow as athletes and as a Director with ESCO, I can help players grow as leaders. I am honored to be a part of an organization that helps the community and lets them know someone cares and will be there to help.

About Elite Soccer Community Organization 2

Stein Garcia – Director of Coaching, Elite Soccer Club

I am honored to be on the ESCO board to support the mission of developing youth and community through soccer. I am a true believer that soccer can be utilized as a  vehicle for youth leadership, youth empowerment and community service. Being a part of ESCO allows me an even greater opportunity to impact the players and families in the club and in our community.   

Board Members

Sophie Ali Mary Bradbury Melissa Braun Arfroz Hafeez Matt Irvin
Lindsey Kaplan Brian O’Neil Joe Morris Steph Ryter Jack Ungaro
Cortney Wascher Jen Wicka      


“Elite Soccer is a model program that goes above and beyond to reach out to the surrounding communities. They provide an opportunity for our students to acquire soccer skills from professional coaches, build confidence and engage in team-building activities. This allows for our school to benefit from the transference of these critical skills which brings a whole new level of energy to Frost.”

Jeffrey Brusso

Principal, Robert Frost Elementary School

“We are so thankful for the time, effort, and education that ESCO provides to so many students and families in District 59. Not only does ESCO provide a service to our community free of charge, but they engage students in a safe, structured play that promotes self-esteem, teamwork, problem-solving skills, and endless social and emotional development. Thanks for all you do to engage our community!”

Dr. Katie Ahsell

Exec. Director of Student Growth and Equity, CCSD59

“Good morning! Just want to let you know that your coaches dedication and time is truly appreciated. Thanks for being there for the community and giving out your time for these kids. For some of us this is the only activity that our kids have. THANK YOU!! Hope to keep participating in future events.”


Parent, October 2022


Build Stronger Leaders with

Elite Soccer Community Organization

Elite Soccer Community Organization ESCO
Elite Soccer Community Organization ESCO- Building Strong Leaders
Building Strong Leaders in community
Elite Soccer Community Organization


(847) 302-5434




Elite Soccer Community Organization
126 E. Wing Street, #324, Arlington Heights, IL 60004


ESCO is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization centered on developing youth and community through soccer.


